Thursday, February 25, 2016

Cocanougher Cemetery in Kentucky.

     I responded to a comment in my previous post of Mary Cokonougher's Bible about Nancy Silvertooth Cokonougher (sic).  Here is an old newspaper clipping that tells more about Nancy and the cemetery in Washington County, Kentucky, in which she is buried.  There is no date on the clipping. 
     I have heard since childhood that there was a native American "Indian" named Nancy Silvertooth somewhere way back in the family tree.  This is that person.  She was the wife of a Jacob Cokonougher (sic), but there were many Jacobs in the family tree, so if one wants to claim her as a direct line descendant, then they need to be sure that they have the right Jacob.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Mary E. Cokonougher Family Bible 1820-1904

Mary E. (Wisecup) Cokonougher began recording births, marriages, and deaths in a family Bible after she married Zackariah Cokonougher in 1873.  Like most other wives and husbands of the times, she recorded the historical data in the Family Record section of the Bible.
       These photos are of the actual Bible.  Mary was my great-grandmother, through my father, Howard William Cokonougher, and my grandfather, John Henry Cokonougher Sr. 
     When I last saw the Bible in 1977, it was in South Salem, Ohio and in the possession of Mary's daughter, Anna Cokonougher Schmidt, who died in 1978.  I lost track of the Bible after that, but I did manage to make copies of the Family Record Section before Anna died. 

      The transcription that follows is
as identical to the original Family Record section as I can record it, including the original spellings,capitalizations, and punctuations. 
    The Bible was published in New York in 1874 by the American Bible Society with the title "The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments:  Translated Out of The Original Tongues and With The Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised”.
         FIRST PAGE
     Adtson Cokonougher
     Born June 28  1824
           Elizebeth Cokonougher
     Born October 29, 1820
     Sarah. A. Cokonougher
     Born November 17  1848
     John Cokonougher
     Born July 14  1850
     Mary E Cokonougher
     Born March 18.  1855
     Rodenea Cokonougher
     Born January 31  1858
     William. H. Cokonougher
     Born February 16. 1862
     Lieddy Cokonougher
     Born. September 22,  1863
     Zachriah  Cokonougher
     Born April 2nd 1853
     Mary Cokonougher
     Born February 14th   1856
     William S. Cokonougher
     Born June the 12th 1874
     Provy M. Cokonougher
     Born January 12th 1877
     Joseph E Cokonougher and
     Adson E Cokonougher
     Born February 22  1880
     John H. Cokonougher
     Born July 6th   1883
     Charles S. Cokonougher
     Born September 20th 1886
     Anna M. Cokonougher
     Born September 17th  1892
     Zackriah Cokonougher and
     Mary Cokonougher was
     Married August. 29. 1873
     Adison Cokonougher
     Died December 21, 1882
     Elizbeth Cokonougher
     Died September 12, 1872
     William H. Cokonougher
     Died October 10  1862
     Lieddy Cokonougher
     Died March 20   1874
        FIFTH PAGE
     Dorcas Frost. B. Dec. 22. 1872
     harvie J Cokonougher
     born June the 23
     Zacriah Cokonougher
     died sep 14  1904

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Rodena Cokonougher Frost family Photo 1890s

     This photo is that of Rodena Cokonougher Frost with her husband Andrew Frost and her children.  the photo was probably taken in the 1890s, based on the age of the daughter in the picture.  Only one daughter is shown in the picture, but Rodena and Andy had at least two daughters:  Gracie, born in 1878, and Eva, born in 1879.  The family lived in Adams County, Ohio.
     Rodena was born 31 January 1858 to Adtson Ellsworth Cokonougher and Elizabeth Shoemaker Cokonougher.  She was also the sister of Zackariah and John E. Cokonougher.  Andrew was born in 1855 as the son of John and Mary Frost. 
     This photo was the property of my grandparents John H. and Amelia Cokonougher, and passed to me when they died in 1963.  Rodena was my grandfather's aunt.

     There is a record of one Andrew Frost being elected to and having served in the Ohio Legislature.  I don't know if this was the same Andrew Frost. 
     My grandfather John, who lived in Ross County, Ohio, used to tell of taking horse and wagon rides with his parents and other family members from Ross County all the way to Adams County, Ohio to visit with the Frosts and other relatives in Adams County.  He said the trip would take all day to get there, so they would stay overnight, and then return on a following day.  They always stopped for a picnic lunch halfway there.